Kent's Wasted Visit to Kamloops

Posted by Bruce Stevens on January 31st, 2012 11:04am

Peter Kent, once a respected, award-winning reporter, news and anchor person who brought courage and integrity to the stories he covered, now appears to have abandoned his integrity and become instead another one of his boss’ obsequious lackeys.  Like B.C.’s Provincial counterpart, Terry Lake, it is a true oxymoron to call Peter Kent an Environment Minister.


Since Harper’s recent ignorant rant labeling all environmental groups as radical  and any environmental assessment process as basically too long and unnecessary, there was no way Kent was going to ask for an independent environmental assessment of the KGHM/AJAX proposal to have an open-pit mine less than 2 kilometres from a Kamloops elementary school!  

Kent’s ‘closed-pit’ mind had been made up before he even came – as he himself said in a previous interview*, he is instructed “to only use language vetted by the PMO”.

Let’s hope Kent’s a fanatic fisherman so when Fisheries reports to him that Peterson Creek (running through Kamloops) and Jacko Lake (near Kamloops) will ultimately be poisoned/destroyed during the mining process, he might change his mind.  But it is highly unlikely – after all, this is the man who touts the development of ‘ethical oil’ (another oxymoron) and blindly believes the tar sands industries are not polluting the Athabaska river.  

Peter, how could you do an about flip from what you said in your passionately-made,  pioneer documentary over 25 years ago that “The greenhouse effect is the world’s greatest environmental concern”? **.  Where is that courageous, ethical person you once were?  

* This information was obtained via an interview of Kent done by journalist Steve Paikin on December 9, 2009, as gleaned from Kent’s bio on Wikipedia

** CBC Television documentary, January 24, 1984 -- Wikepedia


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