Comparison of the BC and Federal Environmental Assessments for the Prosperity Mine

Posted by Stop Ajax Mine on October 19th, 2011 7:40pm

An independent report was commissioned by the Northwest Institute to compare the BC provincial and Federal environmental assessment of the Prosperity Mine in BC. We've included the report in full here, as well as the press release announcing the study. 

Full Report

Announcing Press Release

The Federal Review Panel evaluated effects to tourism at both local and regional scales. Through its hearing process, the Panel heard directly from the family that owned Taseko Lake Outfitters as to the predicted impacts to its business. The Panel commented:

An adventure tourism operator, Taseko Lake Outfitters, was reported to operate in the area of the proposed mine site. Taseko Lake Outfitters managed a lodge, known as Taseko Lake Lodge, as part of its business, and the owners, the Reuter family, resided at the lodge. Taseko Lake Lodge was located immediately west of the proposed mine site between Jidizay Biny (Big Onion Lake) and the north end of Dasiqox Biny (Taseko Lake), approximately 10 km south-west of the proposed milling facility and camp and approximately 3 km from the west embankment of the tailings storage facility. Taseko Lake Outfitters used the Teztan Yeqox (Fish Creek) watershed to make hay and graze their horses as well as for their tourism operations.

After weighing the evidence presented to it on these issues the Panel found:

The Panel notes that due to the close proximity of Taseko Lake Lodge to the tailings storage facility, ground level concentrations of particulate matter could exceed air quality standards at the Lodge. Additionally, construction and operation activities that generate particulate matter, including construction of the west embankment and fine dust from the beaches of the tailings storage facility would be likely to affect Taseko Lake Lodge


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